There is no doubt in my mind that Michael Jordan is the most popular/greatest player to ever play the game of basketball. His ability on the court to take over a game and his athletic ability entertained the millions watching when he stepped on the court time and time again. But there is another side to Michael Jordan that we discussed. To me this is the most interesting side to Michael because we realize he is human just like the rest of us.
I had done a report on Michael Jordan before and knew that he had a big gambling problem. He at one time bet over $500,000 on a game of golf with a guy he knew. He would also stay up late with other players before games in their hotels and play card games into all hours of the night. With the spotlight constantly on him I have to give him credit because he hid his pain really well. Te most interesting quote he said was that he enjoyed playing basketball because it was his escape from all of the media and troubles going on in his life. It just goes to show you that our hero's and role models have trouble just like the rest of us.