Friday, September 2, 2011

First Blog Intro!

My name is Nick Braun and I'm originally from Dallas, TX. Ive been following sports my whole life and when my senior year of high school rolled around, I became interested in pursuing a career in the sports industry. I have family in the Sandusky area and have been coming to Ohio ever since I was a kid so I was familiar with the surrounding area. I applied to BGSU because of their sports management program and the fact that I wanted to get out on my own and experience what BGSU had to offer.

In high school I played on the golf team and ever since I have been thinking of thinking of working in the golf industry. To me, golf is one of the toughest sports because you have to be mentally strong to compete because often the the person you are competing against is yourself. If you hit a bad shot, you have to be able to stay focused and shake those negative thoughts to succeed on the next one.

I love all types of sports but i would have to say that my top 5 are college football, golf, the NFL , soccer, and the NBA

I would say college football is my favorite sport to watch because of the passion of the fans and the players. I believe there is so much more passion in college football because the athletes in it are working their hardest to make it a career and get drafted by an NFL team. I'm not saying the NFL does not have passionate players because I would say that to commit to a team the way the pros do and put all their sweat and time into trying to be a successful team, they genuinely enjoy competing in the league. Its recent incidents like the Chris Johnson contract negotiations where he demanded to be the highest payed running back/play maker in the NFL, shows me that money rules everything in the NFL. That is one reason I'm glad college athletes do not get paid because I feel a wide variety of new problems would arise from the situation.

If I could see one sporting event I would like to see a soccer match between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. Soccer "futbol" is the most popular sport in the world and these two teams are some of the best. I would really like to be there to experience the sights and the sounds of the stadium as the two teams took the field to compete. I believe that soccer fans are some of the most passionate and loyal fans as well. Hearing all of the different team chants and listening to the roar of the crowd as a goal went into the net would be a rewarding experience.

I expect to have an even greater knowledge of what the impact of sports has on the world globally and I look forward to blogging throughout the semester. This is my first blog and I'm new to this type of communication but I'm excited to post my opinions and views on the sporting world in the future.


  1. Hi Nick,

    You did a good job for your first blog entry. I enjoyed reading more background about your sport interests and experiences. I remember you mentioning in class that you have been to China. I would be interested in knowing more about your experiences there as well. In any case, I am glad you found your way to BG!

    I can understand what you are saying about feeling that players in the NFL are all about the money. One of the arguments that is often made is that the careers of players--especially at Chris Johnson's position--are short-lived, so they need to get the best contract possible. Of course, they also need to make it last (unlike T.O. who is now apparently broke). With college football season starting, this will be a great time of the year.

    I look forward to reading more of your future posts.

    Dr. Spencer

  2. Hi Nick,

    Good first blog entry! As an European soccer fan, I'm glad to hear that you're interesting in soccer. Have you ever seen a live soccer match in USA or Europe? Do you watch soccer on television? About the two Spanish topteams, who's your favorite and why?

    I think you've a good point that soccerfans are maybe the most passionate and loyal fans in the world. I don't know how, for example, basketball or Americaan Football fans support their teams. Do you know what the big differences are in how fans support their team? I hope to figure that out in the next months.


  3. I completely agree with much of what you are saying, Nick. I love watching the NFL, but sometimes contract negotiations and holdouts make me think twice about how I feel about the NFL. I understand that careers in the NFL can be over in the blink of an eye and so the players need to cash in as much as they can, but instances like Chris Johnson demanding to be the highest paid athlete in the NFL and turning down $10 million a year contracts is ludacris. Recently, the NCAA is suspending many of their star athletes due to NCAA rules violations dealing with agents and improper benefits, so I feel that the NCAA has a ways to go before it clears itself apart from the NFL as far as problems are concerned. Great post!

